Thursday, August 17, 2006


Been a real long day, so just a few random notes:

  • Professor David Mould asks if there's "Too Much Lewis and Clark in History?" Actually, he just goes over their route (again), but the title is catchy.
  • So, suppose you want to go to a bookstore to fill in an embarrassing gap in your reading by getting a copy of Nobel Laureate Toni Morrison's much-lauded historical ghost story Beloved. Let's say that the bookstore in question has decided not to shelve the title (or the author) in Fiction/Literature. Where else do you look? Horror? History? A special shelf for Nobel Laureates in Literature? (And seriously, shouldn't we have one of those?) Nope. African-American literature. Because, you know, Nobel Laureate Toni Morrison's single defining characteristic? African-American.
  • Sounds like this may not be a good book, but the review is fascinating.

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