Saturday, August 19, 2006

Yeah, What About All Those Norse Myths?

From The Independent, a few days back (but only just noticed this AM). Bernardine Evaristo makes some valid complaints about stale poetry:
The published poetry scene actually needs an injection of alternative histories, cultures and stories. Haven't we had enough of the same old same old: my childhood memories; my mildly dysfunctional parents; my repressed grandparents; Greek myths; my last lover; my new lover; my love of nature; more Greek myths; my holidays in foreign lands.
(Emphasis added for, well, emphasis.) Two reactions:
  • She's got a point. I'd love to see more exploration of other histories and myths that doesn't just sound like "my holidays in foreign lands."
  • Poetry. Another form of historical fiction. You know, like Beowulf, and the Iliad? Lots of room on this bookshelf.

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